Effective Curriculum Planning


Helping you to plan an appropriate, effective and efficient offer which drives strategic direction.

Objectivity, expertise and empowerment are what informs the Bob Hill organisation’s approach to helping colleges achieve the optimum outcomes in curriculum planning. The team help client teams develop and implement a curriculum that is appropriate, effective, efficient and fully aligned to the college’s strategic direction.

The approach generates total clarity on income, costs, resource and the offer itself, creating a template for development that will remain sustainable for years to come. The approach has generated savings in excess of £5million.

The Bob Hill team’s understanding of the requirements of effective curriculum planning is based on 20 years’ experience of planning in the sector, including 15 as a consultant delivering detailed exposure to a wide range of providers.
We have taken best practice and raised the bar to enable many Colleges, including a group of six providers, to develop a three-year curriculum plan.

Our interventions can occur at any level, from an overview of processes to detailed end-to-end planning support with adapted tools and techniques. To discover how Bob Hill can add value to your college, email: bob@bobhillassociates.com

From Process

Through Analysis

To Results

Strategic Planning

Helping you to get your develop an offer which is “Fit for the Future”

Does your Business Planning cycle allow for time to do some strategic thinking and real curriculum planning before plugging numbers into a spreadsheet. Time to think about developing and offer which addresses the challenges of 2018/19 and beyond in the light of current performance trends and labour market requirements, an offer which is “fit for the future” and built on solid foundations. If not then it probably needs looking at.

Adopting the “A3 thinking” methodology, we have developed an approach to strategic planning which is unique, is getting a lot of interest and is timely. Built up by curriculum area our “Strategic Direction Documents” display the information to consider the above questions all in one document, on one sheet of A3. By bringing all relevant elements together in this way these Strategic Direction Templates can form the base documents for a “fit for future” review of a College’s offer and approach. Such a review should result in real change for the coming academic year and beyond, ensuring that the offer and delivery approaches will meet local and regional skills needs as well as the changing academic and technical landscape.

If you would like to discover how Bob Hill associates can help you develop an offer which is fit for the future, email: bob@bobhillassociates.com.

The unique BHA Strategic Direction Document

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