Apprenticeship Support
Helping you to effectively plan, promote and manage Apprenticeship provision with the BHA Apprenticeship Planner and negotiation modeller:
The BHA Apprenticeship planner and negotiation modeller has been specifically built to help Colleges to plan and monitor Apprentice provision under the new “levy-based” funding methodology introduced in May 2017.
It is unique in the way that it brings together exiting, “carry-in”, and planned future starts to calculate future monthly income profiles for current and future years with associated costs based on the reality of current learners and planned starts.
The reports facilitate the monthly monitoring of “projected” income with profiled comparison against the original plan and allocations. Monthly profiling of income and costs, including assessor case loading tool, facilitate the ongoing management of this increasingly important provision.
“The forecasting tool is working well and giving us some really good data. It has enabled us to profile our starts next year and reconciled our income for the current year really well. We are verry happy with it so thanks for this and the support.” Barney Willis, Head of Apprenticeship Operations, Weston College.
To find out how we can help contact:
Helping you to ensure you have the policies, procedures and protocols in place to meet the audit and inspection requirements for Apprentice provision:
Does your current activity, with the procedures and protocols which have been established to support it, track back to and is reflective of your RoATP application?
As a provider you will be subject to inspection by Ofsted who will be targeting new providers. Are your strategic plan, self-assessment report and key performance indicators (KPIs) up to scratch and inspection ready?
Are your policies and procedures for a whole raft of elements including, for example, quality assurance, staff checks, complaints, equality and diversity, learner file evidence and many more adequate and sufficient?
Do you sub-contract any of your provision and if so are your arrangements for controlling sub-contractors up to scratch?
Are your tools and processes for planning and costing the provision, providing accurate monthly monitoring of performance against your allocation robust, accurate and straightforward to use?
Does your current activity, with the procedures and protocols which have been established to support it, track back to and is reflective of your RoATP application?
As a provider you will be subject to inspection by Ofsted who will be targeting new providers. Are your strategic plan, self-assessment report and key performance indicators (KPIs) up to scratch and inspection ready?
Are your policies and procedures for a whole raft of elements including, for example, quality assurance, staff checks, complaints, equality and diversity, learner file evidence and many more adequate and sufficient?
Do you sub-contract any of your provision and if so are your arrangements for controlling sub-contractors up to scratch?
Are your tools and processes for planning and costing the provision, providing accurate monthly monitoring of performance against your allocation robust, accurate and straightforward to use?
If your answer to any of these questions is “no” or “not sure” then you need to review your policies, procedures and approach so that you are sure they are up to the job; and here’s the good news! As a group of education advisers with over 100 years of combined experience in the further education sector, including recently supporting Colleges through planning for the new levy based funding approach and advising Government on the “Due Diligence” checklist for approving and monitoring providers, we can help.
At Bob Hill Associates we have devised a “Provider Health Check” to help you to answer all the above questions and many other you will need to ask to ensure all the necessary bases are covered. If you would like a Health check of your Apprentice policies, procedures and protocols, email
Pepper Street,
Chester, CH3 7AG
01244 330177
07802 883466 (mobile)